Plot clearance

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Plot clearing

Land clearing consists of the elimination of all types of grasses, weeds, brush and invasive vegetation that grows in the soil from the land and which must be removed to avoid possible fires in the summer (summer), among other risks that we indicate below:

  • Avoid pests of rodents and insects that could cause damage to the structure of the land. land.
  • Minimize the serious risk of fire in the months of high temperatures.
  • Avoid possible sanctions that the City Council may impose on the owners of the plots who do not carry out this work.| ||122
  • Conseguir un mayor provecho del terreno cuando decidamos darle otro uso.

The importance of clearing

It is important to carry out this work in a professional and correct manner since there are various risks if not done properly, that is why our highly qualified staff offers you the guarantee of taking care of your land with the assurance that the work is carried out without affecting the existing vegetation.

Safety, first thing

Civil Liability Insurance

At H2ogarden we have civil liability insurance to cover any damage that we could cause in the provision of our services. Likewise, all personnel who carry out tree felling and pruning are insured according to current legislation in order to be protected against any accident, thus avoiding all types of liability to the client.