Automatic watering

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The automatic irrigation system

Automatic irrigation is a system to provide water to our gardens and plants in an effective and controlled way. This system allows optimal distribution of water in the location, quantity, frequency and time we desire.

It is one of the most comfortable, sustainable and productive options for watering, it allows us to save time and guarantees that the plants and grass in our garden always remain green and healthy.

Automatic irrigation methods

Among the different irrigation systems, the most notable are sprinkler or drip:

Sprinkler system

This method, generally used, is applied on large surfaces by spraying a large volume of controlled and uniform water in the form of rain. In general, it acts covering the entire area and is very suitable for automating the operation.

Drip system

It is an irrigation method that allows optimal application of water and fertilizers. The applied water infiltrates the soil, directly irrigating the root zone. This type of irrigation is applicable both for limited areas such as planting trees, shrub borders, planters, or for extensive plantations, since it only moistens the desired areas.

Advantages of automatic irrigation

We have less and less time to dedicate to our garden and we need practical and economical solutions, for this automatic irrigation is of great help as it offers us great benefits for our garden:

  • Water savings| ||160
  • Calidad en el riego
  • Better water management
  • Cost reduction
  • Less nutrient loss

A One of the greatest advantages of the automatic irrigation system is water savings, since it allows us to water at night with a lower temperature, less water loss due to evaporation and greater pressure.